Welcome to DHL Express
We are very glad that your company starts cooperating with us. We want everything to proceed in an express manner. Therefore, we prepared a short guidebook that will help you in the first steps of cooperation with us.
1. Agreement
This point is already behind us. However, please remember to keep the documents with the offer, since you will find there information about the rates or the settlement period. If something changes as regards the terms of our cooperation, we will certainly inform you about it by e-mail.

Please, keep also the account numbers that we provided in the e-mail entitled:
Welcome to DHL Express.

You will need this data to send shipments and contact us.
Access to DHL Express tools
2. Access to DHL Express tools
At the beginning, we sent you four e-mails that create access to our systems. They are entitled as follows:
– Welcome to MyDHL+
– Welcome to DHL eSecure
– Registration for the DHL eInvoice app
– Main User permissions have been added
Therefore, you are required to take minor actions if you have not done it yet. In the following sections, you will learn more about this.
MyDHL+ – your application for sending
MyDHL+ is an app for sending shipments. At this stage, you only need to create a password. If you have not done it yet, find an e-mail about it, click the link and create a password.
Still need to register? Check out how to do this in the video: here.
In the following steps, we will guide you through the most important features of MyDHL+.
eSecure – account security in MyDHL+
eSecure is a MyDHL+ feature that enhances the security of your account. It allows you to authorise shipments, thanks to which you have everything under control. Here, you will also need to find an e-mail we sent you and create a password.
Moreover, please remember to set up the app properly. You will find the exact instruction with the detailed steps of operating in eSecure by clicking here.
MyBill – your settlements with DHL Express
MyBill is an app where you can find information about settlements. Here, also set the password using the link we sent in a separate e-mail. At this stage, you do not need to do anything else.
3. Before you send
Everything you need to know about customs clearance
We know that customs clearance in both import and export can be very difficult at the beginning. Therefore, visit our guidebook to the world of customs!
Remember to give us an authorisation for the customs agency. Thanks to this, we will be able to clear your shipments even faster and more efficiently. In this case, it is important to:
• properly complete all fields indicated in the authorisation, including the indication of the EORI number
• put a signature in accordance with the company’s representation by the person(s) indicated in: KRS / CEIDG / Company Deed (S.C.) / Statute. A handwritten signature or a qualified electronic signature is required.
• send us the document. Signed by hand – send it by registered mail to: DHL Express (Poland) Sp. z o.o., ul, Wirażowa 37, 02-158 Warszawa, with an annotation: “Authorisation for the Customs Agency” or by courier, using the link, https://app.dhlexpress.pl/acdhl (select DHL AC GTW-WAW). Qualified signature used? Send us an e-mail.
Ordering DHL packaging
Do you need packaging? You can order our free poly mailer bags and boxes via a special OSO app available after logging in to MyDHL+.
Do you want to know more about our packaging and OSO app?
Do you need a user manual for the app?
On Demand Delivery form
On Demand Delivery is our app that allows the recipient of your shipments to flexibly manage their receipt.
Note! The service is available only to customers who send shipments to private persons.
Please contact your sales representative to activate the service
Set up easy sending in MyDHL+
You can start your first steps along with our video guide here.
On the other hand, if you want to know more about the improvements that accelerate sending shipments, we encourage you to watch our webinar here.
4. Send your first shipment
Send your first shipment in MyDHL+
You need to start sending a shipment with creating it in MyDHL+. How to do this? We prepared a video for you here, which shows how to quickly and properly send the basic shipment.
However, sending a shipment may slightly vary depending on what is sent and where. Therefore, we also have instructions showing various options like:
Are you sending a customs shipment, i.e. the one that will be sent outside the EU? MyDHL+ will help you create the required customs documents. Check out the video how to create:
Packing guidebook
Your shipment travels many thousands of kilometres so as to reach its destination. We do everything to ensure timely delivery in intact condition, however, your commitment is also necessary. Proper and careful packaging helps with transportation. What to pay attention to? Check out our guidebook where you can read how:
• to choose the packaging
• to properly wrap the shipment
• to properly label the shipment
• not to pack the goods
Volumetric weight and actual weight
Remember! The price of the shipment depends on its actual weight and the amount of space occupied by its elements (volume weight). It may happen that a lightweight, but large shipment is more expensive than the one with heavy but small elements.
The calculation of transport costs depends on the higher weight. If the volume weight is higher than the actual weight, the volume weight is used for the valuation. When the actual weight is higher than the volumetric weight, the actual weight is used for the valuation.
5. Your shipment details
ProView app

DHL ProView is an app that enables advanced tracking of a shipment. Thanks to it, you are always kept up to date with its status.

What will you need this tool for?

  • Shipment management – Monitor the status of export and import shipments
  • Receive notifications and alerts – Select persons who are to receive shipment information
  • Use automatic notifications – SMS/email notifications for statuses and recipients selected by you
  • Receive proofs of delivery – Generate proofs of delivery for shipments

Check how easy it is to use ProView

6. Your settlements
MyBill – settlement app
Our electronic settlement app is a convenient, safe and easy method to receive and view invoices. It helps streamline time-consuming processes related to payments and avoid costly integration of settlement systems.
Get started in an easy and convenient manner – all you need is your DHL Express account number, e-mail address and Internet access. What are the advantages?
• You will see the invoice and shipment details
• You will receive email notifications about new invoices
• You will download invoices and related documents
• You will see the payment history
• You eliminate paper invoices
Terms of payment
You do not remember what payment terms we agreed to? Check in the agreement, everything is described in detail there.
Additional information and support on settlements
Do you need to confirm your balance, verify your payments, or maybe a statement of debts? Write to the debt collection department at: windykacja.dhlexpress@dhl.com
Or maybe you have doubts as to the issued invoice and want to lodge a complaint? Complete our complaint form
Do you need support? Contact us and we will certainly help you. However, please remember to know your customer number.
This will significantly accelerate our action.
Call our helpline:
+48 42 63 45 100
Write by clicking the link link
or use the number:
+48 732 141 010
E-mail contact
E-mail contact
Do you prefer to write an e-mail? Use this address:
Sales representative
Sales representative
Also, please remember that you can always contact your sales representative. You will find his/her details in the agreement.
Przedstawiciel Handlowy
Find out more
We have gone through the most important steps that will allow you to send and settle your first shipment with DHL Express. Do you want to know more?

Below, we prepared a checklist of materials and places that are still worth reviewing:

  • MyDHL+ app, eSecure, ProView, System integration
    Find out more
  • Customs clearance step by step
    Find out more
  • Unusual transport using the SameDay service
    Find out more
  • Stay tuned, by following our social media
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